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Our Process

The Office of Student Conduct's process normally begins when a referral is made to our office. The involved student(s) will be contacted by our office via their TerpMail/UMD email account, which is the official means of communication of the University.

Students involved in a referral first meet with OSC staff for a Preliminary Interview, in which the conduct process, alleged violations, and potential sanctions are discussed with the student. Our process focuses on the development of integrity, character, and the ability to make ethics- and values-based decision making. Depending on the type and severity of the case, students have several options to resolve their case, which are explored below.

Students who have been referred to the Office of Student Conduct can reach out to the Student Legal Aid office to speak with their Student Advocates. Student Advocates are trained in the Student Conduct process and are available to referred students as an additional support resource in navigating our process.

After several months of meetings and discussions, the University Senate passed measures to change the Code of Student Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity. The President approved those changes and they took effect at the start of the Fall 2023 semester. Below is a summary of the changes to Code of Student Conduct and Code of Academic Integrity  that take effect at the start of the school year. Changes were made in an effort to expedite the resolution process for students while ensuring their due process. What has not changed are any of the prohibited behaviors listed in either Code.

Changes to Both Codes:

  1. Approval of Suspension and Expulsion decisions shift from the VPSA to the Dean of Students.

  2. A new ground for appeal would be for “unanticipated disparate impact of a sanction”: The Sanction has the unanticipated disparate impact on a Responding Party that exceeded the intention of the imposed Sanction. 

  3. The word “respondent” is replaced with “Responding Party” and the word “Complainant” is replaced with “Reporting Party”

  4. The “Campus Advocate” position is removed (it no longer exists in OSC). 

  5. Before appeals are reviewed by an appellate body, they are screened to ensure arguments students make are aligned with grounds established in both Codes. 

  6. Graduate Students are informed that a sanction could impact their status in their graduate program or assistantship.

Changes to the Code of Student Conduct:

  1. “Alternative Resolution Options” is introduced as an opportunity for the use of restorative justice practices to resolve alleged violations. 

  2. The sanction of Disciplinary Probation is modified to make it discretionary for OSC staff to determine whether disciplinary probation results in a student's inability to represent the University in an extracurricular activity or hold elected office in student organizations.

Changes to the Code of Academic Integrity:

  1. The word “dishonesty” is removed and replaced with “misconduct” to ensure that a sentiment of judgment is not placed on a student, and is instead focused on the behavior. 

  2. Sanction decisions made in Honor Reviews will be recommendations to the Office of Student Conduct. This is done to: 

  3. Academic Deferral: A new resolution method exists for minor violations involving undergraduate students. If the instructor deems the violation to be on a minor assignment, and the student admits to misconduct, then they would get a zero on the assignment and an educational sanction without the need for a disciplinary meeting. 

  4. Only matters that could potentially result in a transcript notation (e.g. “XF”, suspension, and expulsion) are eligible for an Honor Review (hearing). All other matters are resolved through the informal resolution process or in disciplinary conferences. 

  5. The sanction of “XF” is modified to make it discretionary for OSC staff to determine whether the “XF” notation results in a student’s inability to represent the University in an extracurricular activity or hold elected office in student organizations.

  6. The “XF” petition process is discontinued. Once a student’s “XF” period is over, the “X” is automatically removed from the transcript. Students do not have to petition for the removal of the “XF”.

These changes were made in consultation with several campus partners. Please email with any questions. 

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