Environmental Efforts
True sustainability happens when it is embedded into our core operation. The Green Office Program engages staff, faculty and students in a dynamic initiative that promotes best environmental practices at the University of Maryland. The program supports and promotes offices/units that are taking steps toward reducing their environmental footprint. The program operates through a network of representatives (GO Reps) in schools, centers and administrative units.
For more information on the Green Office Program http://www.greenoffice.umd.edu
For more information about campus sustainability http://www.sustainability.umd.edu
Efforts the Office of Student Conduct are making to be more sustainable
The Office of Student Conduct was recently recognized as a "Silver Certified" Green Office by the Office of Sustainability. As we work towards becoming “Gold Certified,” you can see some examples of how we are meeting our Silver level of sustainability:
- In the 2015-2016 academic year, we went “paperless.” We shifted from creating a paper file for every student case to hosting the files digitally using a special software system and sending copies of files electronically.
- We maintain living plants throughout our office to help improve air quality.
- We buy recycled and environmentally friendly office products.